“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23
Welcome to Siebert's 2021 Community Impact Report!
Throughout 2021, we witnessed the resilience of the community and its people's ability to trust the Lord and persevere through uncertainty and adversity during the ongoing global pandemic. New programs were launched, innovations were born, and opportunities were seized! Creative problem-solving enabled organizations to continue providing important services and meeting people's needs.
Embracing the power of creativity and collaboration, Siebert participated in its first joint grant award with the We Raise Foundation. Through this partnership, we provided St. Marcus Lutheran School with a three-year $300,000 grant to grow a program that serves the needs of the whole child, including family members. Learn more about this transformative initiative here.
Siebert Serves initiatives continued to grow in 2021 when passionate donors impressed us again by participating in Siebert's second annual Collaborators' Event bringing more than $170,000 to Lutheran organizations. With a $100,000 matching grant from Siebert, these donors were able to expand their reach with the Gospel and make an even greater impact in our region.
And, as a tribute to our founder, the Siebert Lutheran Foundation established the Albert F. Siebert Legacy Circle to celebrate Siebert Serves donors who leave planned gifts to create a lasting impact with their legacy. By the end of 2021, we were blessed with three Legacy Circle founding members.
In 2021, Siebert awarded $4.5 million to 100 nonprofits, churches, and schools that align with our three funding priorities: Growing the Body of Christ, Educating while Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Serving as the Hands and Feet of Christ. This Community Impact Report highlights a few of these programs. We invite you to join us in celebrating these ministries by watching video clips that shine a light on Jesus' love through his followers.
Each day God renews us with His strength, wisdom, and mercy, fueling the work of Siebert Lutheran Foundation's ministry partners. It is our privilege to be a funder and convener in the Lutheran community. We are so honored to walk alongside the talented and dedicated leaders who regularly demonstrate that with God, all things are possible.
In Christ,
Thomas J. Kammerait
Thomas J. Kammerait
Chair, Board of Directors
Charlotte John-Gomez
Charlotte John-Gomez

Tom Kammerait and Charlotte John-Gomez
$4.5 million
Organizations Funded
$134 million
in Total Year-end Assets

while Sharing the Gospel
of Jesus Christ
By funding high-performing Lutheran-affiliated schools and other education programs that provide children and youth in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities a path to Christ-centered academic success, empowerment, and hope for themselves and future generations.
Who We Are
A private, independent foundation governed by an independent Board of Directors and incorporated in the state of Wisconsin.
Established by the late Albert F. Siebert to advance the Lutheran church and its ministries. Learn more about Mr. Siebert here.
Pan-Lutheran in nature, funding requests are accepted from ministry programs associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
Siebert has no formal affiliation with any administrative church body.
People, families, and communities filled with the peace that passes all understanding that comes from Christ.
The Siebert Lutheran Foundation's mission is to maximize collaboration, relationships, and funding to strengthen and grow organizations in the Lutheran Christian community that share the Gospel, educate children and youth, and serve the needs of our neighbors.