2021 marked the third year of Siebert Lutheran Foundation's new initiative to grow the collective impact of donors by accepting contributions and financially partnering with other funders. Visit Siebert Serves to learn more.
The short video below features donors from Siebert's 2021 Collaborators' Event. Hear more about their experience at the event and their passion for creating more impact in the Lutheran community.
$2.65 million
Planned Gifts by
Albert F. Siebert Legacy Circle Founders
Donated at the
Collaborators' Event
Contributed by
Individual Donors
11 organizations
16 organizations
10 organizations
Collaborators' Event
Siebert's second annual Collaborators' Event was held on November 11, 2021. The event attracted 28 donors and contributed funding to 37 Lutheran organizations, schools, and ministries. $171,850 was donated by donors, along with an additional $100,000 match from Siebert.
Thank you to the individuals and families who donated at the event:
The Kurt & Lori Bechthold Family
Brenda Skelton Bendtsen & Jim Bendtsen
Bruce Bigelow
Rev. Sara L. Gillespie
Cathy & Eric Jacobson
The Kammerait Family
Kaztex Foundation
Carol Kolmerten
Kurt & Margaret Krueger
Bill & Christie Krugler
Ken & Dorothy Lamm
Bruce Laning
Timothy J. Larson
Deni and Michael Naumann
Dr. Joan Prince & Family
Dave & Gael Romoser
The Schaller Family
John Sellars
Derek Tyus
Julie & Jay Van Cleave
Dr. Emily Van Dunk
Students from Wisconsin Lutheran College's Center for Christian Leadership
Todd & Cindy Witte
John & Peggy Zimdars
Anonymous Donors
Contact Siebert's President Charlotte John-Gomez, 414.269.2834, to learn more about
Siebert Serves and 2022 opportunities to transform lives through a partnership with Siebert.