2023 Grant Spotlight

Fearless & Faithful: Rebuilding Redeemer Lutheran Church
A $5.5 million capital campaign requires a church congregation to steadfastly unite and commit to a long and possibly daunting journey.
At 19th and W. Wisconsin Ave. in Milwaukee, Redeemer Lutheran Church is a testament to faith, resilience, and community commitment. Six years into a capital campaign to renovate its space, the church celebrated a groundbreaking ceremony in 2023 to bring the church building and its 106-year sanctuary, designed in a Gothic Revival style, back to its former glory.
When congregants throw open the doors after the renovation, they will see a new kitchen on the upper level, which will support the popular Noon Run meal. The renovated space will also host other mission partners and a new nonprofit organization, Olga Neighborhood Wellness Services, to provide immediate mental wellness and substance use services.
Under Rev. Lisa Bates-Froiland’s leadership, Redeemer is a hive of activity, symbolized by a vibrant bee-themed mural on the south face of the building and beehives on the roof.

One of the exciting aspects of serving a church located in the heart of the city and next to a university is connecting beyond our walls in order to serve our neighborhood better.
~ Rev. Lisa-Bates Froiland, Pastor, Redeemer Lutheran Church

Educating while Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ by funding high-performing Lutheran-affiliated schools and other education programs that provide children and youth in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities a path to Christ-centered academic success, empowerment and hope for themselves and future generations.
$1,310,600 Granted | 15 Organizations

Empowering Unique Learners at Journeys Lutheran School
Journeys Lutheran School in Hales Corners, Wisconsin, is an expert in identifying and creating curriculum and programs that meet the needs of special needs students so that nothing about their education is overlooked.
One of its newest programs – the Crossroads Classroom – is the next step on Journeys’ road to showing the love of Christ through education and services.
The Crossroads Classroom brings important life-skills learning into every aspect of its curriculum, while continuing academics in core subjects and an emphasis on self-advocacy. Field trips teach community and vocational skills, while the classroom’s full kitchen and laundry room allow students to learn and practice hygiene, safety, chores, maintenance, health, cooking, and more! This highly specialized program with a small student to teacher and teacher’s aide ratio allows for hands-on support and guidance.

Students with unique learning challenges have limitless potential, but if they are not provided with the proper individualized education that their differing abilities require, the life skills that are necessary for their success may often go overlooked.
~Jenny Stollenwerk, Principal, Journeys Lutheran School

Serving as the Hands and Feet of Christ by supporting effective strategies at Lutheran churches and church-affiliated organizations to meet the basic needs of disadvantaged people, and to create pathways toward greater stability and empowerment for all people.
$1,213,000 Granted | 27 Organizations

Hephatha's Strong Baby Sanctuary: A Lifeline in Milwaukee
At the intersection of 18th and Locust St. in Milwaukee, Hephatha Lutheran Church stands as a beacon of hope.
In 2015, Hephatha created the Strong Baby Sanctuary (SBS) in response to the stark reality that black infants in Wisconsin are three times more likely to die before their first birthday than white infants.
SBS supports pregnant women and families with young children through education, healthcare referrals, supplies, and spiritual and social support to help decrease the potential for infant mortality. It has grown over the past eight years to become a lifeline for parents in the community, especially those with children under the age of one.
A community-led initiative, the SBS team have lived experience in the community surrounding the church. Regular meetings are held at Hephatha and at neighboring Hopkins Lloyd Community School where discussions range from self-care during pregnancy to the preventable causes of infant death.

I have been a part of the Strong Baby Sanctuary since 2018 when I was pregnant with my twins and through my pregnancies with Kam’Yron and now Ka’Hloe. They have been a big help, especially when I couldn’t afford some things at times. I just really appreciate SBS for blessing me and my family.
~ Sasharae, a participant since 2018 and a mother of four