The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5
Welcome to Siebert's 2020 Community Impact Report!
2020 allowed the Siebert Lutheran Foundation to witness an incredible resilience among the ministries we support. The pandemic also challenged us to find new ways to leverage our strategic priorities and enable the Lutheran Christian community to be more effective, collaborative, and innovative. This included:
Effectively stewarding resources through a COVID emergency fund to meet urgent needs in communities served by our grantee partners throughout 2020.
Collaborating with the three area Lutheran synods to establish “Digital Reformation,” a new 2020 grant opportunity to extend the Lutheran churches’ ability to reach the community using a variety of digital platforms. This pan-Lutheran grant includes coaching, sharing best practices, technology assessments, and the purchase and installation of necessary hardware and software in 2021.
Innovating as we hosted the inaugural Collaborators’ Event in August 2020, which raised $236,000 for 37 Lutheran nonprofits and ministries. This multi-generational, virtual event was part of the Siebert Serves initiative, launched in 2019 to help donors maximize their life’s impact to God’s glory through customized philanthropic services.
In 2020, we were richly blessed to support 86 organizations with $3.72 million in grants focused on our three funding priorities: Growing the Body of Christ, Educating while Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Serving as the Hands and Feet of Christ. The stories in this report show how faith can indeed move mountains!
With Christ as our guide, the Siebert Lutheran Foundation continues to be a resource for ministries that transform lives and shine the light of the Gospel in moments of darkness and joy.
In Christ,
Deni D. Naumann
Deni D. Naumann
Chair, Board of Directors
Charlotte John-Gomez
Charlotte John-Gomez

Charlotte John-Gomez and Deni D. Naumann
$3.72 million
Organizations Funded
$124 million
in Total Year-end Assets

while Sharing the Gospel
of Jesus Christ
By funding high-performing Lutheran-affiliated schools and other education programs that provide children and youth in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities a path to Christ-centered academic success, empowerment, and hope for themselves and future generations.
Who We Are
A private, independent foundation governed by an independent Board of Directors and incorporated in the state of Wisconsin.
Established by the late Albert F. Siebert to advance the Lutheran church and its ministries. Learn more about Mr. Siebert here.
Pan-Lutheran in nature, funding requests are accepted from ministry programs associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
Siebert has no formal affiliation with any administrative church body.
People, families, and communities filled with the peace that passes all understanding that comes from Christ.
The Siebert Lutheran Foundation stewards its resources and fosters partnerships to enable the Lutheran Christian community to be more effective, collaborative, and innovative. Our funded partners share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, while educating children and youth in Christ-filled environments, and/or serving the needs of our neighbors. Our geographic focus is Wisconsin, especially Milwaukee, Waukesha, Racine, and Kenosha counties.