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922 Ministries

Programs maximizing collaboration

The name 922 Ministries comes from 1 Corinthians 9:22 where the Apostle Paul wrote: “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” This same guiding principle drives St Peter Lutheran Church and and 922 Ministries. It is one church made up of two church campuses, a K-8 grade school, an early childhood center, and an online church. These unique ministries share common roots. Those roots are referred to as the 5 G’s: Gather (in worship), Group (do life together in small groups), Grow (daily in God's Word), Give (of our time and resources), and Go (reaching those that don't know Jesus).

Primary Focus Area: Online church

Lutheran Affiliation: WELS

Location: Appleton, WI

Website Address:

Funding will support: The 922 Church Online was launched in March 2021. Since that time, people have had the opportunity to connect with each other through the Gospel and share real and relevant issues in their lives. They've celebrated together. They've prayed. They've worshiped. They've grown through God's Word. In a typical week, there are live-streamed worship services, prayers, daily Bible readings, pastor discussions, virtual small groups, weekly posts from Scripture, content and posts sharing life's joys and struggles with others in the group, impactful content from the sermon, and targeted content intended to reach people on our external pages. This ministry was strategically created to reach more people with the Gospel by widening the front door of the church. Our external pages are reaching upwards of 100,000 people each month. The private Facebook group has over 1,130 members. By God's grace, the physical church added 330 members in the past year, average in person church attendance grew by 550 people, and 79 adults were confirmed in their faith!

"922 Ministries has established partnerships with Time of Grace Ministries to broadcast sermons on a weekly basis to hundreds of thousands of people. 922 has also recently partnered with Lighthouse Youth Center as they have opened their first afterschool program at 922’s downtown campus. Kids are hearing about Jesus on a daily basis and communities are connected to the Gospel in ways 922 Ministries would have been unable to accomplish on its own. Through this partnership, 922 established a Resource Center for these young people and their families and a support network of volunteers to proactively prevent neglect and abuse of children in our community. God is using these partnerships to bring about Gospel conversations, and its only possible through collaborative partnerships." (Submitted by 922 Ministries)

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