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"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." 
Matthew 25:35

Welcome to Siebert's 2022 Community Impact Report!

Mr. Albert F. Siebert created a trust seventy years ago to dedicate his entire interest in the Milwaukee Electric Tool Company to advancing the Lutheran church. This trust became the Siebert Lutheran Foundation in 1952, and in 2022 we celebrated a milestone 70th anniversary of stewarding Mr. Siebert’s legacy!


We are grateful for the growth of Siebert Serves in 2022, an initiative that builds on Mr. Siebert’s legacy and increases resources to Lutheran churches, schools, and nonprofits. Donors generously contributed over $175,000 at the third Collaborators’ Event on November 10th. With a $100,000 matching grant from Siebert, these donors increased support to mission-driven ministries that are growing the Kingdom and glorifying God! 


Maximizing collaboration in 2022, Siebert awarded $4.4 million to 89 Lutheran nonprofits, churches, and schools that align with our three funding priorities. When you watch the compelling videos in this report, you will notice that each grantee partner has a unique story of transforming lives, positively impacting the community, and helping individuals grow in their love of Christ. 


Siebert’s greatest assets are our grantee partners, funding collaborators, dedicated staff, and Board of Directors. In 2022, Siebert was blessed with two new staff members, Sarah Gilday (Director of Philanthropy) and Mary Kosacki (Program Assistant). Please visit our website to learn more about how you can join us on this journey to glorify God and grow the Kingdom of Christ.


In Christ,



Thomas J. Kammerait

Thomas J. Kammerait

Chair, Board of Directors

Charlotte John-Gomez

Charlotte John-Gomez


Tom Kammerait and Charlotte John-Gomez

$4.4 million*

Organizations Funded

$103 million
in Total Year-end Assets

live stream worship and church

the Body of Christ

By investing in Lutheran leaders, ministries, and evangelism.


while Sharing the Gospel

of Jesus Christ

By funding high-performing Lutheran-affiliated schools and other education programs that provide children and youth in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities a path to Christ-centered academic success, empowerment, and hope for themselves and future generations.

Volunteers Packing Food

as the Hands and Feet

of Christ

By supporting effective strategies at Lutheran churches and church-affiliated organizations to meet the basic short-term needs of disadvantaged people, to create pathways toward greater stability and empowerment for all people.

Stories Strip
Who We Are
  • A private, independent foundation governed by an independent Board of Directors and incorporated in the state of Wisconsin.

  • Established by the late Albert F. Siebert to advance the Lutheran church and its ministries. Learn more about Mr. Siebert here.

  • Pan-Lutheran in nature, funding requests are accepted from ministry programs associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

  • Siebert has no formal affiliation with any administrative church body.


People, families, and communities filled with the peace that passes all understanding that comes from Christ.


The Siebert Lutheran Foundation's mission is to maximize collaboration, relationships, and funding to strengthen and grow organizations in the Lutheran Christian community that share the Gospel, educate children and youth, and serve the needs of our neighbors.

* $4.4 million reflects the 2022 total amount granted from Siebert's funding and donors' gifts.


^ 89 is the number of unique organizations Siebert funded in 2022. Some organizations may appear on more than one grant list (e.g., on the Growing list, as well as the Board-directed list).

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